Multi-faith Religion

The AFSP holds many truths to be evident, but we do not insist that others accept this philosophy. But, we hope that one day all people will see the inherent truth that lies around them, not just in holy places or churches or with particular people but everywhere, and will order their lives thereby. We also believe that every person must experience the truth for themselves in order for it to take a hold of their life and become their guiding revelation. The Australian Fellowship of Seven Planes unlike some churches on the internet or around the world.

The Australian Fellowship of Seven Planes believes that regardless of the physical experience there is but one God or Supreme Being, no matter what name he/she may be called. It should be the goal of everyone to look for that God in the world around them and let that discovery enrich their life and the lives of those around them.

The founders of The Australian Fellowship of Seven Planes each hold different religious beliefs and practices and created this organization in an attempt to create a place to share and practice those beliefs with little persecution and/or criticism.

One of the religions that is found in The Australian Fellowship of Seven Planes community is Christianity. Some might even see this, for better or worse, as the majority religion in The Australian Fellowship of Seven Planes community; though great lengths are taken to keep it from being the dominating religion. Luckily, Christianity is famous for holding countless schools of thought under its umbrella. The Christian history books clearly show the truth of this situation. The Medieval scholars who worked with systematized theology the method of Aristotle; the earliest among the Church Fathers of philosophic bent were often Platonists; while other parts of Christian doctrine draw from Neo-Platonic, Gnostic, Pagan and Jewish thought.

Ancient Truths

One of the beliefs that has been discussed and examined by theologicians and scholars and mystics since ancient times has been the idea that a theology can justify itself and be of permanent value only in so far as it partakes of the character of total divine wisdom. Basically, man being in essence a part of the Divine can ultimately know the Deity whose life he shares by gradually unfolding through his life powers that are latent in him. Man, if the desire is there, can eventually grow into knowledge and mastery of the universe, which is in turn all the expression of the divine life. A theology that helps and doesn't hinder man's growth towards the Divine life is a theology of great value. A theology that allows one to open themselves in ways that allow the growth of their spiritual faculties is a theology of permanent value.

This method of approach to the divine truth is as old as man. It finds complete justification in Christian scripture and the religious methods of both East and West. Thus, truth is recognized in some form by all and any religious experience, wherever it is. Truth is not restricted to any one group, location, experience or holy writ.

With men of antiquity it is held that there are three truths which are absolute and which cannot be lost, for they are eternal in their divine message:

The soul of man is immortal and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendor have no limit.

The principle which gives life dwells within us and without us. It is undying, and eternally beneficent. It is not seen or heard or felt, but is perceived by the man who desires perception.

Each man is his own absolute law giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself, the decrier of his life, his reward, his punishment.
These truths, which are as great as life itself, are as simple as the simplest mind of men. Feed the hungry with them.